This MXD contains two important aspects. The DJ_Group2_Stream feature was calculated using a DEM and the ArcHydro Tools (Fill, Flow Direction, Flow Accumulation, Con, and Stream to Feature). The DH_Group2_basin data goes one step farther to run the "Basin" tool to delineate drainage areas in the raster.
In the zip file you will find:
- DRJ_Group2_Deliverable.mxd - An ArcGIS Map
- DJ_Group2_GeoDB.gdb - A File Geodatabase conatining key data for the project
- DJ_Group2_stream - Stream files created using ArcHydro Tools in ArcGIS
- DJ_Group2_basic - Basin files created using ArcHydro Tools in ArcGIS
Data Location:
Here is a link to my files for this week's Lab Data:
Zipped Copy of Lab Files
Data Instructions:
In order to use the data on your computer, you will need to take the following steps:
1. Make sure you have ArcGIS 10.1 (or newer) on your computer
2. Download the zip file
3. Unzip the file into its own directory such as c:\MyFiles\
4. Open the MXD file in ArcGIS
Notes of Interest:
On this assignment, we had a couple of students have trouble with the CON tool. I did some research and found an article that explained that it could be a problem using an underscore in the naming convention of the Input Raster. This tip seemed to help several classmates and it felt really good to help one another in that instance.
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