Natural Hazards - Tsunamis
This week's assigment looked at how GIS can be used in regards to Tsunamis.
Here is my map and process summary for this week:
Process Summary
Part I: Building a File Geodatabase
1. Copied the data from the R: drive and unzipped
2. Started ArcCatalog
3. Documented Metadata
4. Navigated to my S:\GIS4048-ApplicationsInGIS\W4-NaturalHazards-Tsunamis\Tsunami directory
5. Previewed the Roads shape file to make sure the Preview Tab works properly.
6. Created the Tsunami.gdb File Geodatabase
7. Created the Transportation Feature Dataset and set the Project Coordinate tp WGS1984
8. Added the Rails_UTM and the Roads_UTM shapefiles to the File Geodatabase
9. Started ArcMap
10. Now we need to convert the data in Excel into a spatial feature
11. First I added the Excel Sheet as a table
12. Next I right-Clicked it and chose “Display XY Data”
13. I chose to import the Coordinate system and chose my File Geodatabase and the Feature Dataset as the place to import from.
14. Added the Administrative and Damage_Assesment shapefiles and added the recommended shapefiles to each.
15. Made sure my File Geodatabase matched the lab instructions
16. Opened ArcToolbox.
17. Ran the Build Raster Attribute Table tool on each of the DEMs
18. Created the FukuDEM and SendDEM Raster Datasets
19. Load Data process completed
20. Calculated Statistics on both DEMs. It is interesting to try to preview the data before running the statistics. It appears solid black. Post processing it appears normal.
21. Took a screenshot and prepared it as my first deliverable
Part II: Fukushima Radiation Exposure Zones
1. Started ArcMap
2. Opened Tsunami.mxd
3. Exported the Fukushima II Power Plant to its own Feature Class
4. Answered Q1
5. Created my Multiple Ring buffer. Pretty cool tool !
6. Adjusted my Symbology
7. Clipped the Roads feature
8. Did a Select by Location query to answer Q2
9. Exported these cities out to Evac_zone_cities
10. Posted my screenshot for Q3
11. Answered questions 4 through 7 using that same tool and the statistics tool for the sum of population
12. Worked on my map deliverable
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