Our assignment this week was to make several maps concerning the security of the NORAD facility. We were also asked to post one of our maps here with a brief description:
Here are some key steps from the Process Summary:
III. Site surveillance Locations around Critical Infrastructure
i. Generate Hillshade
1. Created a new MXD
2. Turned on the 3D Analyst Extension
3. Turned on the 3D Analyst Toolbar
4. Added the Elevation DEM
5. Ran the Hillshade 3d tool with Azimuth 270 and Altitude 39
6. Added the Orthoimagery data layer and set the transparency to 60%
7. Saved the MXD
8. Launched ArcCatalog
9. Created the DJ_Surveil_pts shapefile
10. Added to my MXD
11. Change symbology to a 12 point red triangle
12. Restored the Orthoimagery transparency to 0
13. Started editing the DJ_Surveil_pts shapefile
14. Added about 13 points to the MXD and saved edits
15. Saved the Map
ii. Generate Viewshed
1. Selected Elevation in the 3D Analyst Toolbar
2. Zoomed to the extent of the DEM and turned off the Orthoimagery
3. Set the input raster to the DEM, and the DJ_Surveil_pts shapefile as the observer features
4. After the viewshed ran, set the transparency level on it to 50%
5. Turned on the Orthoimagery and zoomed to its extent
6. Mode of my imagery was covered by a green area which meant line of site was good.
7. Added a field to the shapefile called OFFSETA
8. Edited the shapefile and used the calc tool to set this new value to 10 for all 13 points.
9. Ran the new viewshed to DJ_viewshed10
10. You can see with this new viewshed that more area is available to see.
iii. Create line of sight
1. Turned off all layers except viewshed10, Surveil points, and Orthoimagery
2. Created several line of site points
3. Saved my map
4. Selected one of my lines of sight elements and used the “Create Profile Graph” to show the line of sight
5. Changed my titles on my graph
6. Exported graph and added it to the layout to produce my next deliverable.
v. View 3D line of sight
1. Started ArcScene
2. Added the elevation data
3. Added the Orthoimagery data
4. Opened the Base Heights tab
5. Set to “Floating on a custom surface” and chose the DEM
6. Zoomed to the extent of the OrthoImagery. A little slow give the remote connection but VERY cool !
7. Went back to ArcMap without closing ArcScene
8. Copied and pasted my line of sight to get a 3D view of the visibility data that we generated.
9. Exported out to JPG
10. Started cleaning up my deliverables for submittal
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