Sunday, March 4, 2012

Intro to GIS - Vector 1 Lab

Here is my Process Summary for this lab:

Process Summary:

1.        Copied my Zip file over from R: to my S:\IntroGIS\Week 8 - Spatial Analysis Vector 1 directory
2.       Start ArcMap and open up the MXD
3.       When I saw the queries that they wanted (within 2000 feet of a school, etc…) I decided to test myself and see if I could do the query by myself.    I determined my answer for Q1, then I went back through this section step by step to see if my numbers matched.   Nope, I made a big mistake in my calculations because I was Adding my selection to the existing selection rather than selecting from within the results.
4.       Answered Q1
5.       Next created a Layer of the selection and renamed it to “Parcels Nearby” and hid it
6.       Next did the Enterprise Zone Query
7.       Answered Q2
8.       Next displayed the superact_risk_features layer
9.       Preformed the query.   Answered Q3
10.   Displayed the Flood Zones
11.   Cleared my Selected features
12.   Set up the query to see which parcels intersected the flood zones
13.   Performed the search by attributes and verified that there are 666 parcels in the flood zone.
14.   Pulled up the statistics to generate the Q4 answer
15.   Next, opened up all the layers under water.
16.   Performed a JOIN and saved it to the Lab7Data.gdb as JOIN_OUTPUT
17.   Did the Summary on the BASIN information
18.   Answered Q5
19.   Next worked on the spatial join to find the name and location of the nearest risk features to each of the water wells
20.   Answered Q6
21.   Worked on MetaData
22.   I found this lab to be a great introduction to some of the power that is available to the ArcGIS Analyst.    As a database guy myself, I still find myself saying “wow” when I think of the possibilities of integrating this power into my tabular systems.

1 comment:

  1. David, I'm glad to hear you experimented a bit... and glad to hear you like the lab!
